Challenge: Significant state regulations on content and processes for payment, violation policies that require review boards with change management. Alignment of stakeholders to a new process and design took additional review cycles and prototype evaluation sessions.
     1. Stakeholder Interviews
     2. Heuristics and Evaluation
     3. Customer Interview (Agent Call Center Intercept)
     4. Online Card Sort
     5. Personas / Task Flows
     6. Information Architecture
     7. Rapid Prototyping
     8. Annotated Wireframes
     9. Visual Design and redlines (plus Animated Video)
     10. Knowledge transfer with development team
“Josh's strength came through several times on the project, he went beyond agreed upon scope to provide the maximum value for the client and explain his team's work in context. For example, due to the number of possible processes, the functional team needed to understand the flow of the screens. As the delivered prototype did not show the full flow of the site, Josh spent late nights creating a screen flow to explain how the screens flowed. He was also able to showcase his strengths by creating a short video to illustrate latest emerging trends in design as a document format did not capture the dynamic movement of the parallax screens. This video he produced was then used to illustrate the progress of the website to the client's executive director, and was also used by the client in a board meeting to show to the board.

Josh’s leadership had an impact in bringing new perspectives of designs to the client. The client was quoted saying that his presentation summaries were ‘a good way of showing how poor the current site is in a very analytical approach and highlighting what type of changes needed to occur’. He managed to stick to an aggressive schedule and not go above planned budget. Josh strove to be a value creator which he excelled in. Josh provided solid work deliverables that properly conveyed the purpose of the engagement and provided a good basis for the development team to build upon.”

- L. Winchiu, Senior Manager, Accenture
Delivered: Comprehensive annotated wireframes in mobile and desktop/tablet snap points and visual design asset library and compositions with red lines. As a bonus, we delivered an animated video that illustrated the dynamic progressive screens of the experience for development and business teams.
To see an animated sample of the experience, go to:
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